


Working for you - Our international team includes graduates, technicians, all-rounders and specialists with decades of experience. Together we face your challenges and develop innovative and customized solutions.


Tried and tested for you - The constant cooperation with our partners as well as the many years of experience as a member and designer in various networks result in reliable partnerships.
This allows us to offer you access to a broader range of knowledge, complementary products, and innovative solutions that effectively expand our services. All coordinated from a single source!

Research projects

One step ahead for you -The state of the art and the world of testing are constantly evolving, which is why we are constantly looking at future problems and our innovative answers to them in our research projects.


Summarized for you - As a spin-off from the Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg, we have developed over the years into an independent test house with structure and format. Not least because we have always been able to inspire people with the "iSyst idea".

Grateful for the support of our companions, we are now sponsoring institutions or events that we consider to be important and that are close to our hearts.

Your contact persons

Christine Rauch
Phone: +49 911 / 37665-200

Daniel Heinrich

Phone: +49 911 / 37665-100
